Man, your script is messy for god sake, why didn't you put in the game_ally_no_ally.tpl a simple if right after the <h2 class="error">{$error}</h2>:
And in the ally_no_ally.php right at the begining:
This way you will block the frauding, because if i modify the link from the accept button from action=acc to action=accept i tricked ur script.
Just try to do good things from the first try.
Have fun and enjoy my code remake. (works for every version you want.)
Quote:{php}if ($_GET["err"] == "limit_reached") {
echo '<h2 class="error">Tribe has reached the members limit !</h2>';
And in the ally_no_ally.php right at the begining:
$village = $_GET[village];
//copy here the bullshit from his code with $er1 and $er2 or sth like that.
if ($_GET[action] == "accept") {
if ($er2[members] >= $config[ally_limit]) {
This way you will block the frauding, because if i modify the link from the accept button from action=acc to action=accept i tricked ur script.
Just try to do good things from the first try.
Have fun and enjoy my code remake. (works for every version you want.)