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Problem mit DS-Lan/Question

mein Name ist Kristina Ich bin aus dem englischen Teil TWLan (DS-Lan), Ich habe ein großes Problem mit mehreren Teilen TW-Lan/DS-Lan Ich frage mich, wenn Sie helfen könnten, da es nicht viele Menschen in der Englisch Teil, bitte entschuldigen Sie mein schlechtes Deutsch Ich bin mit Google Translate.

Meine Fragen sind es scheint kein Graphics für die Karte und bekomme ich diese Fehlermeldung die ganze Zeit: "Warnung: imagepng () [function.imagepng]: Unable to open 'graphic/continent/1293499420.png" für das Schreiben in / opt / twlan / htdocs / lib / con_map.php on line 77 ", aber die Zahl ändert sich die ganze Zeit.

Auch spielen Ich und mein Bruder, aber er hat sein Passwort vergessen, gibt es eine "Passwort vergessen Seite" ausgebildet? oder kann jemand mir sagen, wie schnell bauen eine?



Wieder einmal Sorry für die schlechte deutsche (Google Translate.)
Please write in english, it's easier to understand than the Google-German Wink

The error you get means that TWLan can't write in the directory "htdocs/graphic/continent". The world-overview should be created there, so just set the permissions for "everybody" to "read & write".
Then you should do something that changes some things on the map, e.g. create 50 left villages, to make TWLan create a new overview.

You can't actually retrieve a forgotten password (of course, you could bruteforce it), but you can reset it. With this tool.

Hey Molt,

I have moved TWLan into my proper httpd file, but now all I get is a white screen with no errors in the error_log file.

Do you use the dslan from here or a other site?
Keine Sigi sonst Stress
it was one that was advertised on the english server, TWLan-lite (Website:
Sorry my english is bad.
You have your dslan not from this forum?
Keine Sigi sonst Stress
its from the english part (, sorry I would be in the english part but no one is there (ever)
Ah ok i understand. Yes, nobody is there...
Download it again, mabye it works then
Keine Sigi sonst Stress
Ok, I've tried re-installing, the MySQL database has been setup etc.. im going to look for another config file is there more than 2?
Ok, I have modified the config file to link to the MySQL database, changed password etc.. its still white, any ideas?
You should contact Lekensteyn for this, because that's his version Wink

is there a proper Linux version with out Apache/MySQL etc... so I can install it normally? thanks
There is no offical Linux version, just the one by Lekensteyn.
What do you mean with "with out Apache/MySQL etc..."?
It's like you want a mountain without rocks.
That wouldn't be proper, it would be useless.

Re-download it, install is again, try to set chmod 777 to "graphic/continent", and if this all doesn't work, send a PM or Mail to Lekensteyn.

What distro are you using? Please do not just "chmod 777" on something. That's like removing the door because you cannot find the key for it.
Can you post the results of "ls -la /opt/twlan/htdocs/graphic/continent"?
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Project: creating a compact and easy to setup DSLan (Linux) (Windoze is in development)
I know chmod 777 is usually not the solution, but if you don't want to lock yourself out, I guess you have to use it, because TWLan creates PNGs there.
As which user is apache running on Linux?

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