$cl_units->add_unit("this name will be displayed","unit_internalName");
$cl_units->set_woodprice("50");//required number of wood for one unit
$cl_units->set_stoneprice("30");//required number of stone for one unit
$cl_units->set_ironprice("10");//required number of iron for one unit
$cl_units->set_bhprice("1");//number of population for one unit
$cl_units->set_time("1000");// recruit time
$cl_units->set_att("10","1.045");// attack power
$cl_units->set_def("15","1.045");// general defence
$cl_units->set_defcav("45","1.045");// defence against cavalery
$cl_units->set_defarcher("20","1.045");//defence against archers
$cl_units->set_speed("720");// speed
$cl_units->set_booty("25");// the maximum carrying capacity
$cl_units->set_needed(array());// minimum building requirements for this unit
$cl_units->set_recruit_in("barracks");// indicates which building is used for recruiting; possible values: barracks | stable | garage | snob
$cl_units->set_group("foot");// Possible values: foot | cav
$cl_units->set_col("A"); // A is the first column in the Rally point, B the second and so on
$cl_units->set_attType("def");// possible values: def | off | spy
$cl_units->set_description('Enter unit description here');