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Mac Twlan

meiner Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut.

ich habe vier fragen.

ich habe die V1.4 gedownload

Ich erhalte zwei male :light: und :axe: nach dem Angriff
Wie ändere ich das?

Wie unterscheiden sich Ihre Preise/awards?
Wie machen Sie Bots geschützt?
und wie wollen Sie Bonus Dörfer?

zu helfen
n0 sc0p3
Please write in English, your German is terrible and impossible to understand. o.0

i just downloaded the MAc version of the DSlan posted on this site.

then when i attack a barbarian village or player, my army doubles aswell as the messages.

how can i stop this?
another question is how can i put awards and bonusvillages in the game?
as well as bots?

please help.

n0 sc0p3
How much is your Speed?
When the Speed is to high, this bug come.

For awards or bonusvillages, please take the search. Use Bonusdörfer or awards

Sorry for my bad english
Keine Sigi sonst Stress
you can find bots and awards at the Category "Tools und Spielerprojekte" for the Other Problem delete templates_c, if they exist for mac

Shit zu spät-,-
Bewerte mich!
Erfahrung mit PHP und MySQL schon seit 4 Jahren
Restart your DSLan and try again, I've never had that bug on Mac.
Awards and Bonus villages: Take a look at the Tools section, awards and bonus villages are available there.
Bots, uhm, you can use ShadyBot or Superbot, they should work both... for Mac, there's also the Berninabot.

@Roundfighter: templates_c haben nicht im Entferntesten etwas mit diesem Bug zu tun.

ok thanx,

but what do you have to if you downloaded all these things.
there is no real tutorial.

if you have the zip map with grapichs and bonusvillages where do you have to put them in the MMAP
Usually you get a htdocs folder. Just copy its contents inside the htdocs folder of MAMP, but make sure folders in there don't get overwritten.
For the map-graphics for bonus villages, you have to move them into htdocs/graphics.
And if you get a setup_xyz.php, move it into htdocs and then access it in your browser.

i did that but nothing has changed??

how come?
What's your speed?
i change it every time.

most of the time arround 10,000

tomorrow it will be 1500
Well, if you change it a lot, it may be because of this, but it may be nearly everything...
so what would you do?

if you downloaded a new graphic version
can you give me a link for awards and bonus village download??

after that you could copy all the content of the map and then paste it in Htdocs?
No, that's the exception, for the map graphics you have to move to graphics (inside htdocs).
Awards | Bonus villages

if i put the graphics download from your "meine tools"

well i open it then i copy all the files inside of it, i then go to HTdocs and paste but then i tells me would you want to overwrite it?

what to do then??
copy only the contents and move it to the corresponding folders.
what do you mean, the file "content"
all the files in side

graphic, incluse ,, stam.ccs, and templates??
Files: Overwrite
Folders: Don't overwrite, just copy their contents.
i opened the awards file from downloads.

i saw these four things and then copy paste and overwrote.
now i get this:

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "../templates/index.tpl" in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1095

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "../templates/index.tpl" in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1095
can you post a video on youtube showing all the steps you have to do to install all the bonusvillages and all the awards and maybe the bots!!

that we be so very usefull!
i really appreciate if you could do that!

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