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Add Bauzeit und Trainingszeit
Wie füge ich Hochbau Zeit und Troops Trainingszeit?
Dieses Spiel ist nicht wirklich extreme ohne ihn ...

Können Sie mir sagen, wo die Datei, die ich in diesem Spiel bearbeiten müssen, sind ...
Wenn es schon gibt, bitte sagen Sie mir ...
Pls speak English and use NO TRANSLATOR!

We don't understand you ;-)
Manchmal denke ich:
Add construction time and training time

How do I add Troops construction time and training time?
This game is not really extreme without it...

Can you tell me, is there any file that I need to edit within this game?
If it already exists, please tell me how to enable it...
The troops construction time you can set in /htdocs/include/configs/units.php

Or you simply change the speed in the config.php
mfg HuGo
[Image: ecf8.png]
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Ok... I will try to edit it when I have a chance...

1 More question:
How do I add Construction time for Building?...
This is configured in the htdocs/include/configs/building.php

It looks like this:
mfg HuGo
[Image: ecf8.png]
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In original download copy, it is already set like that but it doesn't work...
Does it really need to be tweak/set again?

What does "1080" mean?
And what does "1.2" stand for?

Can you tell me a bit details about it, so I can adjust it myself. I'm a newbie in coding so, it will takes time to make it working... Smile

Your help will be much appreciate... Wink
1080 is the time, which the building need to go to stage 1.
And 1.2 is the raise, so on level 2 the building need 1296 etc.

Sorry for my English..

MfG Manuel
Thank you so much for that answer... I really appreciate it...
1 More question please, (I don't know where to post this actually):

How to make all Barbarian Village (Refugee Camp) grow like in TW?
If there a guide or a manual in english, please show me...

I really need it because I love this game...
You can try the FlülaBot

You find it there: FlülaBot by milos

If you need a translation or something, you may also ask in this thread, but pls do not send me private messages Smile
mfg HuGo
[Image: ecf8.png]
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Thank you very much for giving me FlülaBot... Smile

By the way, I have read in most of the forum, and I still don't get it how to create a Bonus Village... (I got high-fever for 2 days because of this, LOL)

Can anyone teach me how to create/add a Bonus Village in easy way?
It don´t give Bonus Villages at the moment.
Wait for the next update, please.

That, what you mean is bullshit Wink

MfG Manuel
thx ..guys
Hi again,

Is there a code to make button in admin page?
I want to change the speed without opening the "config.php".

And I hope this function will also be available in next version.
Also if you can make the drop-down menu to change language.
1. There is a config editor. You can download an AiO, there are all tools.

2. Other languages comes in the next version (1.4)

MfG Manuel
May I know how to install your shadybot?
Nevermind, already found it... Smile
Hi again...

Can you tell me how to increase player quantity?
I want to add more bot but it is said limit 15 player...
Yes, there is a member limit and you can´t remove it.

MfG Manuel
Then it is mean that I cannot play it with more bots?...

Right now I have 14 bot and 1000 Barbarian Village, it is still not enough for me.

I don't want to remove it but I want to add more bots.
Is there a way to increase it? (Just increase the bots).

I'm not using this game online, I'm just playing it alone.
I'm playing it in my Windows XP Virtual Image (VMWare Workstation) since it cannot run on my Windows 7.
I'm still trying to play DSLAN on Windows 7 but it seems that it can't be run.
Is there a way to make the game running normally like in Windows XP?...
I really hope the release of the new version will have a lot changes.
Really hope that all that I list below are available in next version. And perhaps it can only be change in Admin area (by Admin only): Smile

1) Add English language and other language as well. We got many people that can translate it in here, I think...
2) Add new units like archer :archer:, mounted archer :marcher: and paladin :pala: (can be enable or disable).
3) Server speed can be adjust in admin area.
4) Have bot that we can activate/deactivate without effecting Player quantity.
5) All Barbarian Village and Bonus Village can grow and we can set their point limit.

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