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Full Version: Installing on Slackware 13.37 issues
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Good Evening All,

I have tried to install onto my slackware system.
I can install it fine but it falls over whilst trying to start the apache server.

Installation complete.
Would you like to start TWLan now? [Y,N]: Y
Starting TWLan server...
Starting MySQL...
MySQL has been started.
Starting Apache...
Checking for port 80: unused
env: /opt/twlan/twlan/apache/bin/httpd: No such file or directory
Apache could not be started.
Starting events handler...
Events handler has been started.
TWLan server has been started

I have checked the file path and it exists so I'm not sure why it failed?
I checked the properties of httpd and its set as executable so I can't see and issue there?

I even tried to see if by replacing slacks default files to see if that would work - it didn't, I got the wrong elf class: Elfclass32 error message.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Kind Regards


All Good Evening,

Ich habe versucht, auf mein Slackware-System zu installieren.
Ich kann es installieren gut, aber es umfällt, während versucht, den Apache-Server starten.

Installation abgeschlossen.
Möchten Sie TWLan jetzt anfangen? [Y, N]: Y
Ab TWLan Server ...
Starten von MySQL ...
MySQL wurde gestartet.
Apache starten ...
Überprüfen auf Port 80: unbenutzt
env: / opt / twlan / twlan / apache / bin / httpd: Keine solche Datei oder das Verzeichnis
Apache konnte nicht gestartet werden.
Ab Ereignisse Handler ...
Events Handler gestartet wurde.
TWLan Server wurde

Ich habe den Pfad der Datei überprüft, und es existiert also bin ich nicht sicher, warum es gescheitert?
Ich überprüfte die Eigenschaften von httpd und seinen Satz als ausführbare Datei, damit ich nicht sehen kann und dort auszustellen?

Ich habe sogar versucht zu sehen, ob durch den Ersatz Hosen standardmäßig Dateien zu sehen, ob das funktionieren würde - es hat nicht, ich habe die falsche ELF-Klasse: ELFCLASS32 Fehlermeldung.

Hat jemand irgendwelche Ideen?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Are you sure that "twlan" has to be there two times?
And what happens if you just enter the path in the Terminal?
And what if you do so using "sudo"?

Kind regards
Hi Molt,

The 2nd twlan is my fault - I created a folder for the twlan to sit in as I didn't think it would create its own folder.
The sudo cmd had no effect - it came up with the same error.

After some playing around and some head scratching I think it might be my apache setup - I believe it might be picking up a test page that came by default(?) rather then the twlan page. I haven't touched apache since I installed slack, so I'm not sure what its doing. I think in the /etc/httpd/httpd.conf file it might need to point to them?

Kind Regards

I think you just messed up the setup.
Why did you even create a folder?
When I ran the setup, everything was done automatically.
I re-ran the setup using the standard/default options, after stopping apache etc. - apache still doesn't start.
If I type sudo /opt/twlan/apache/bin/httpd it does not work - it still brings up the I'm working page.

Kind Regards
