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i don't know is is the right topic
and im sory that im writting it here not in the english area but i need fast help and i don't know is anyone looking on the english site

so i want to know is there a plugin or something to make coins in all villages just by one click

if u dont knwo what i mean i show the picture
(sory that this picture is different language but if you were playing normal tribal wars you will know what that is0

So is there anything to have this on my server???

yes there is a plugin by yannici, it is in "tools und spielerprojekte" and the name of the thread is "[1.4]massenprägen v1.3"

i have one more question

(1.|2.147.483.647 P)

is it possible to change it to more ?
i don't know if there are any restrictions in the encrypted php code but maybe this query works:

ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `points` `points` BIGINT( 20 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
where i will found this code ?
forgot it to mention that its a mysql statement.

goto phpmyadmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin i think) and select the "lan" database... click the second tab on top named "SQL" copy&paste the code i posted in there and submit the form...
it's not working
anyone have any ideas ?
no sorry but i think the points are too "wenig"
sorry for my bad bad bad bad bad english
Translation of Gira: too few points he thinks

does anyone know how to add to server Archers and archers on horses ???