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stripslashes / database-escaping / addslashes are incorrectly implemented.

When to use addslashes: NEVER

When to use stripslashes: NOT, unless magic_quotes_gpc is turned on. In that case, use the following script to strip all quotes:
PHP Code:
function stripslashes_array($array){
is_array($array) ? array_map('stripslashes_array'$array) : stripslashes($array);
$_COOKIE stripslashes_array($_COOKIE);
$_GET stripslashes_array($_GET);
$_POST stripslashes_array($_POST);
$_REQUEST stripslashes_array($_REQUEST);

When to use database-escaping: ALWAYS, but don't forget to filter / check input first.
This fails completely:
PHP Code:
$memo stripslashes($_POST['memo']);
$db->query("UPDATE users SET memo='$memo' where id=".$user['id']); 
And why would you run another stripslashes on the output from the DB?

Better code:
PHP Code:
function getPost($name){
    return isset(
$_POST[$name]) && is_string($_POST[$name]) ? return $_POST[$name] : '';
$memo getPost('memo');
$db->query(sprintf('UPDATE users SET memo="%s" WHERE id=%d'$memo$user['id'])); 
Mal so eine Frage ist das nicht der Teil, der bei DS Lan verschlüsselt ist??
I believe that the main developers of DS LAN have access to unobfuscated source code.