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I have 2 questions:

1. How can i put a bonus dorf in the game ?
2. How can i change the buildings lvl or the units ?..

ex: i want to make the farm to have more area than 24000...
there are different files to chande stuff!!!
there are different files to chande stuff!!!
There is no chance to put bonusvillages in the game, because there was no release from a version with bonusvillages!
So, you must wait for the next version(s).
Yes thank you.. i know i have to go to htdocs/Include/config.php

but i dont know where i can change it in config.... make me a screenshot pls
okey but if i do it you give me a + point in the "bewertungen"-i dont know the word in english Tongue
ps. i use linux and where it is is wrong for windows
to change the building lvl you must go to htdocs/include/config/farm_limits.php and there you can change it

sry for bad english